As I mentioned in a recent post, I've been meaning to try an interval training routine and Saturday I finally did! I plugged in the following to Interval Run:
Warm Up (5 min): just a light walk to get the legs ready
Pace Up (30 sec): run
Pace Down (2 min): walk/jog
Pace Up (30 sec): run
Pace Down (2 min): walk/jog
Pace Up (30 sec): run
Pace Down (2 min): walk/jog
Sprint (30 sec)
Pace Down (2 min): walk/jog
Sprint (30 sec)
Pace Down (2 min): walk/jog
Sprint (30 sec)
Pace Down (2 min): walk/jog
Cool Down (5 min): easy slow walk
When I was notified to "pace down" I'd try my best to jog, but if I felt I really needed to walk, I would. The full routine took 25 minutes to complete and I ran 1.8 miles total.
I probably should have attempted this routine solo, but I decided to take my daughter in a Baby Jogger, which made it much harder, but way more fun.
My goal is to be able to complete the full routine without walking and to make it to 3 miles in 25 minutes. I'll let you know how it goes...
A note to moms: You can find a great used jogging stroller for a nominal price. Most new moms buy them with every intention of using them, but few make it out of the garage. I purchased my jogger for 20 bucks by posting an ad on JustAskBoo. It's a 2008 Baby Jogger. The removable canvas was washed by my mom in the washing machine, and my dad replaced a button and removed the rust with motor oil. Now, it looks like new. Thanks, parents!
I'd love to hear from anyone that tries this interval run, but don't say I didn't warn you.
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